Memento Mori Accountability

Charity Erickson, RN, BN

© Charity Erickson

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Effective Date: 2023-12-08

Memento Mori Accountability

"Start with the end in mind." - Steven Covey

Embrace the philosophy of'Remember you must die'and turn your aspirations into tangible results.

Not just A Program,
A Wake-Up Call

You have a life vision. You know what is important to you. But you have a limited time here to make it happen.I can help hold you accountable while you focus on turning your vision into a reality.

What Memento Mori Accountability can do for you

Who is this program for?

For people who want to make significant progress on a specific goal over a set period of 4 to 16 weeks.

Who is the program NOT for?

People who are not ready to reflect on how their goals align with their overall life vision and mortality.

How does this program help you?

Mortality Reflections and check-in's are designed to:

  • help you overcome procrastination by reflecting on your limited time here

  • create a sense of urgency and resolve by reminding you that you won't be here forever

  • hold you accountable so you can break free from 'Someday Syndrome'

  • remind you that your life is not infinite and that every moment counts

Program Structure

Kick-Off Call:

  • A 30 minute video call where we will discuss your life expectancy and ensure your goals align with your life vision.

Weekly Email Check-Ins:

  • Personalized Mortality Reflections and accountability check-ins to keep you on track and motivated.

End-of-Week Review:

  • Each week, we'll celebrate your wins, review the time you have left, and ensure you remain aligned with your no-regret life plan.

Wrap-Up Call:

  • A 30 minute video call to review what you have accomplished and to celebrate your success. We will discuss how you can continue to engage with Memento Mori Reflections going forward and further align your life vision with the time you have left.

Program Options & Pricing

Text only Packages:

4 - Mortality Reflection check-ins per month/1x per week - $99

8 - Mortality Reflection check-ins per month/2x per week - $167

Video & Text Packages:

1-Month Starter - $247

  • Perfect for getting a taste of what Mortality Reflections and Memento Mori accountability can do for you.

1-Month VIP - $347

  • On top of the 2 x 30 minute video included in this package, you will receive an additional 50 minute 1:1 video call during the month.

  • For those who need extra support in situating your goals within a broader life design.

  • We'll dig deeper into what you really want and how you envision your life turning out in the end.

3-Month Discount - $741 $597

  • For those who want support to get a bigger and more long-term project done.

3-Month VIP Discount - $1041 $897

  • On top of the 6 x 30 minute video included in this package, you will receive 3x additional 50 minute 1:1 video calls over 3 months.

Add-on 50 minute 1:1 video call - $129 each

Special Offer: First 2 clients this month will receive 1 month starter package free!

All Packages Include:

Mapping your Meaning Guide
Memento Mori Age Chart Guide
Memento Mori 'Quotes to Live By' E-Booklet

A 7-day money back guarantee.

Life is not a dress rehearsal.

Life’s fleeting nature is not just a concept - it’s a call to action.

Every tick of the clock is a chance to redefine your story.

About Me

From life's front lines as a nurse to your personal coach, I'm here to guide you to a life of purposeful action and help you make the most out of your time left on this planet.Drawing from my nursing experiences and a no-nonsense approach to life, I've created this program to be your catalyst for real, tangible change.It’s time to live with intention and get your life's work done.Sign up and let’s make your goals a reality.

Tools - Coming Soon

Privacy Policy

1. IntroductionThis Privacy Policy outlines how the owner of the '' website collects, uses, and protects personal information through our online coaching services in compliance with pertinent privacy laws. This privacy policy applies to the '' website and all products and services offered by its owner.2. Information Collection and UseWe collect personal information such as names, contact details, and payment information. This information is gathered via website forms, direct interactions, and other communication methods.The collected information is used for service provision, communication with clients, and administrative purposes.3. ConsentYour use of our services and provision of personal information implies consent. We also obtain explicit consent where required by law.4. AccountabilityOur privacy officer is responsible for ensuring our compliance with privacy laws.5. Use of CookiesOur website uses cookies and similar technologies for functionality, analytics, and personalized user experience.6. Disclosure PracticesWe limit sharing of personal information with third parties to necessary circumstances, as outlined in this policy.7. Security MeasuresWe implement appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information.8. User RightsUsers have the right to access, correct, or delete their personal information. Requests can be made via our contact details.9. Challenging ComplianceInquiries or complaints about our privacy practices can be addressed to our privacy officer via our contact details.9. Policy UpdatesWe may update this policy from time to time. Users will be notified of any significant changes through our website or via email.10. Contact InformationFor any queries regarding this policy, please contact us via our contact details listed on this website.Effective Date: 2023-12-08

Resource Guides - Coming Soon

I have been a nurse for over 10 years.I have worked with a very diverse population of people at various stages of the human lifespan.The biggest problem I see is not the illnesses that brought them to the hospital, it's how blindsided people are by life's reminder of how short and fragile it is and how we only have a limited time to create a life that truly satisfies and fulfills us.We have forgotten how precious and limited our lives are. We have outsourced the care of the sick and dying to nurses like me. We keep death and dying hidden away behind closed doors and pulled curtains. Out of sight, out of mind.In so doing, we have forgotten the fragility of our lives.It has pained me to see people wasting their vitality on empty compulsions like doom scrolling, overeating, shopping, binging on Netflix, video games, porn, you name it.Meanwhile, our world continues to decay and fall apart.I believe you were put here to participate in the grand unfolding of life and to contribute to building a better world for you and your family.You have a limited time here on this planet.Let's make every moment count.Contact me today and let's get started.

Arena, A. F. A., MacCann, C., Moreton, S. G., Menzies, R. E., & Tiliopoulos, N. (2022). Living Authentically in the Face of Death: Predictors of Autonomous Motivation Among Individuals Exposed to Chronic Mortality Cues Compared to a Matched Community Sample. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 0(0).Cozzolino, P., Staples, A., Meyers, L., & Samboceti, J. (2004). Greed, Death, and Values: From Terror Management to Transcendence Management Theory. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 278 - 292.Goffredi, R. (2022). Death's cold grip or helping hand: the effects of mortality salience on goal choice. Psychological Sciences electronic theses and dissertations (MU).Hofer, J., & Busch, H. (2017). Why Citizen Kane was unhappy: Motive‐Goal Incongruence. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 11.Paul, D., & Vasudevan, M. (2021). Exploring Mortality Salience and Pandemic Impact in the Context of COVID-19.. Omega, 302228211056221 .

What is the Memento Mori Accountability Program?

This program will help you transform your aspirations into real progress. Life is precious, and every moment counts. You have a deep need to self - actualize your potential. You have disappointed yourself over and over again because you keep getting side-tracked from your most important life goals. This program will help you build trust in yourself again and honor your soul's commitment to care for yourself, your family, and your community.

How was the program inspired by your experiences as a nurse?

I have been a nurse for over 10 years. I have worked with a very diverse population of people at various stages of the human lifespan. The biggest problem I see is not the illnesses that brought them to the hospital, it's how blindsided people are by life's reminder of how short and fragile it is and how we only have a limited time to create a life that truly satisfies and fulfills us.We have forgotten how precious and limited our lives are. We have outsourced the care of the sick and dying to nurses like me. We keep death and dying hidden away behind closed doors and pulled curtains. Out of sight, out of mind.In so doing, we have forgotten the fragility of our lives.It has pained me to see people wasting their vitality on empty compulsions like doom scrolling, overeating, shopping, binging on Netflix, video games, porn, you name it.Meanwhile, our world continues to decay and fall apart.That's why I've created this program.I believe you were put here to participate in the grand unfolding of life and to contribute to building a better world for you and your family.I am committed to spending the next month reminding you of how precious and short life is and galvanizing you to take control of your destiny before it's too late.You have a limited time here on this planet.Let's make your time here count.

What differentiates the 1-Month Starter and VIP packages?

In addition to the 2 x 30 minute video included in this package, the VIP package includes an additional 50 minute 1:1 video call at a reduced rate.In this 1:1 call we will discuss any challenges and/or blocks you are experiencing and I can help you get on track to the transformation you are looking for.

What can I expect from the initial strategy session?

  • We will calculate how many weeks you have left in your life expectancy to complete your most important life goals and use that as a tool to motivate you to success.

  • We will discuss your life vision and how your specific goal connects with the self-actualization journey that you have mapped out for yourself.

  • We will ensure you have a clear plan ahead so you can take confident steps forward over the course of the program.

How do the weekly check-ins work?

Start of each week

  • Email Check in reminding you to take action on your goals and reflect on your week within the broader context of your life vision and Memento Mori. Yu can also expect reflection questions, journal prompts, meditations, visualizations, etc.

Mid Week Check In

  • I will email or DM you to check in with you about how you feel about your progress.

End of the Week Review

  • Email review where we discuss how the week went, go over any challenges you might have encountered and set up a game plan for how they can be overcome for the next week.

  • Together, we will prepare you for what you will work on next week with some reflection and preparation questions.

What can I expect from the final wrap up call session?

In our wrap-up call, we will discuss what you have achieved and how you can continue to move forward in making your life vision the most important priority in your life. We will also talk about how you can continue to incorporate Memento Mori in your life as you journey forward.

What's included in the text-only check ins?

I check in with you each week via text or email to make sure you are on track. I prompt you to review your goals and ask you some questions about how you feel you are progressing toward them.

How does this program help with procrastination and goal achievement?

Instead of procrastinating through yet another year in 2024, you will:

  • Move forward daily on your most important life goals and tasks

  • Prioritize the most important things in your life

  • Arrange your schedule so that it is more aligned with your self-actualization journey rather than the needs and demands of others or our attention-based society.

  • Make headway on your most important life tasks so that when a nurse like me is caring for you at the end of your life, you can whisper to me in your final moments, "I am fully satisfied with my life and I am ready to face the next leg of my soul's journey."

Is there any follow-up support after the program ends?

If you would like to continue working with me at the end of the program, we can discuss that in the final wrap up call. Depending on availability, I would more than happy to extend our work together so you can continue your progress.You are welcome to contact me for any help or guidance you may need in the future. I am always building and creating more guides and programs to help you continue your journey so stay in touch and let me know how I can assist you further.

How do I know if this program is right for me?

This program is for you if you would be supported by a nurse like me who can:

  • Remind you about the limited time you have left on this planet to achieve your goals

  • Help you reflect on your mortality and what is most important to you in your life

  • Help you clear away your resistance to moving forward and motivate you to focus on the most important needs of your soul's calling.

  • Provide you with frequent check-ins to make sure you remain on track through the month.

  • Offer strategies and suggestions for how to overcome challenges and motivational issues

  • Help ensure that you overcome your resistance to doing your life's work.

  • Help you keep the most important things in life in perspective as you go through the program.

Are there any hidden fees?

The investment listed is what you pay. There are absolutely no hidden costs or hidden upsells during the program.I do have some guides available on Gumroad that you are welcome to purchase if you think they would be helpful to you. But, I am not here to sell you on extras during the program. The price you pay upfront is the price it is.

Is there a payment plan?

There is no payment plan.Payment is due at the end of our first 30 minute call. This will give you an opportunity to make a final decision about whether or not the program is right for you.

What is the special launch offer and how do I qualify for it?

The first 2 clients this month will receive the 1 month starter package absolutely free.

How do I sign up for the program?

What is the policy for refunds or cancellations?

I understand that sometimes when you start something and you realize that it's not the right fit for you so I offer a 7-day money back guarantee.Your firm commitment to your success is a part of the program. Putting a price on your success is another way to stay motivated to achieve your goals.Therefore, I don't offer refunds or cancellations beyond the 7-day grace period.

How will my personal information be used and protected?

As a nurse, it is part of my professional mandate to ensure your privacy and personal information is protected. Any information you share with me via email, phone, or video will be held in strict confidence and is kept secure.You will find our privacy policy here:

Can I access the program content after it ends?

All communication between us can be referred back to forever in your email program.I suggest making a special email folder where you can locate our emails for easy review.Included bonus program guides are in pdf and are yours to keep forever as well.